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Energy is not consumed, its conversion is for our benefit. Energy means life, its resource is existential. Our use of energy determines our prosperity and our environment.

The target triangle of security of supply, economic efficiency and environmental compatibility applies equally to the state, energy suppliers, companies and households.

This is why knowledge of energy production and the correct use of energy is crucial for making decisions and monitoring sustainable utilisation.

77.3% of primary energy consumption in Germany is based on CO2-emitting fossil fuels (2023); the aim is to achieve near climate neutrality by 2050, for which these energy sources are to be replaced or eliminated. From an engineering perspective, it will not be possible to achieve this with solar, wind, bio and environmental energy alone due to the technologically utilisable energy density and the associated technology-based costs.

It is therefore advisable to plan energy-related investments strategically and calculate them carefully in each individual case.



Customised consulting and engineering services for the planning and project management of energy systems and investment efficiency measures.




-Energy demand analyses

– Technology assessment

– Technical Planning

– Logistic support


– Budget, Time, Quality

– Procurement

– Coordination

– Project control

– Closing & Documentation